API compliance

Revision as of 09:35, 16 April 2015 by Xemul (talk | contribs) (deprecate show options)

This page brings together 3 APIs we have


CLI RPC C library comment
dump CRIU_REQ_TYPE__DUMP criu_dump
pre-dump CRIU_REQ_TYPE__PRE_DUMP criu_dump_iters
restore CRIU_REQ_TYPE__RESTORE criu_restore, criu_restore_child
show Deprecated. The CRIT tool should be used instead
check CRIU_REQ_TYPE__CHECK criu_check


CLI RPC C library comment
"tree" pid criu_set_pid
"leave-running" leave_running criu_set_leave_running
"restore-detached" tasks always restore detached in RPC/lib
"daemon" only for page server in RPC/lib
"images-dir" images_dir_fd criu_set_images_dir_fd
"work-dir" work_dir_fd criu_set_work_dir_fd
"log-file" log_file criu_set_log_file
"root" root criu_set_root
"ext-unix-sk" ext_unix_sk criu_set_ext_unix_sk
"tcp-established" tcp_established criu_set_tcp_established
"evasive-devices" evasive_devices criu_set_evasive_devices
"veth-pair" veths criu_add_veth_pair
"action-script" notify_scripts criu_set_notify_cb see article about action scripts
"link-remap" link_remap criu_set_link_remap
"shell-job" shell_job criu_set_shell_job
"file-locks" file_locks criu_set_file_locks
"page-server" ps
"address" ps.address
"port" ps.port
"pidfile" ps.pid page-server pid returned for RPC
"prev-images-dir" parent_img criu_set_parent_images
"track-mem" track_mem criu_set_track_mem
"auto-dedup" auto_dedup criu_set_auto_dedup
"libdir" not clear how to do it in RPC
"cpu-cap" cpu_cap criu_set_cpu_cap
"force-irmap" force_irmap criu_set_force_irmap
"ext-mount-map" ext_mnt criu_add_ext_mount
"exec-cmd" exec_cmd criu_set_exec_cmd
"manage-cgroups" manage_cgroups criu_set_manage_cgroups
"cgroup-root" cg_root criu_add_cg_root
"pid" obsoleted
"namespaces" obsoleted
"close" hidden and obsoleted
"contents" deprecated (for show)
"file" deprecated (for show)
"fields" deprecated (for show)