Once everything is done and we no longer need parasite we are removing it from the dumpee address space in several steps:
Once everything is done and we no longer need parasite it is removed from the dumpee's address space by performing the following steps:
# CRIU start tracing the syscalls parasite is executing with help of <code>ptrace</code>
# CRIU starts tracing the syscalls parasite is executing with help of <code>ptrace</code>
# Send <code>PARASITE_CMD_FINI</code> to parasite via control socket
# CRIU sends <code>PARASITE_CMD_FINI</code> to the parasite via the control socket
# Parasite receives it, then closes control socket and executes <code>rt_sigreturn()</code> system call
# Parasite receives the command, then closes control socket and executes <code>rt_sigreturn()</code> system call
# CRIU intercept exit from this syscall and unmaps parasite memory area, thus victim become into the state it was before parasite injection
# CRIU intercepts exit from this syscall and unmaps parasite memory area, thus reverting the dumpee back to the state it was in before parasite injection