
Revision as of 17:52, 8 April 2015 by Kir (talk | contribs) (fix nobr)

Articles about the CRIU project:

Date Article
2014-02-15 Efficient, Accurate and Reproducible Simulation of Multi-Threaded Workloads (slides) at OCCAM REPRODUCE Workshop
2013-11-25 v1.0 article on Phoronix
2013-11-25 A note about 1.0 on LWN
2013-10-29 Kernel summit report from LWN
2013-02-01 A blog post upon LCA-2013 talk.
2013-01-09 LWN: Checkpoint/restore and signals
2012-11-20 LWN: LCE: Checkpoint/restore in user space: are we there yet?
2012-05-01 LWN: TCP connection repair
2012-01-31 LWN: Preparing for user-space checkpoint/restore
2011-07-19 LWN Checkpoint/restart (mostly) in user space
Wikipedia: en:CRIU, ru:CRIU
OpenVZ blog: CRtools 0.1 released! (+ repost, + this repost)
Debian includes crtools package
in Russian: