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Replaced content with "* Optimization of CRIU * CRIU for Migration [VEE'22] Portkey: hypervisor-assisted container migration in nested cloud environments * CRIU for Security [ATC'22] RRC..."
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[VEE'22] Portkey: hypervisor-assisted container migration in nested cloud environments
[VEE'22] Portkey: hypervisor-assisted container migration in nested cloud environments
Derivative cloud service providers use nesting to provision virtual computational entities (VCE) within VCEs, e.g., containers runtimes within virtual machines. As part of resource management and ensuring application performance, migration of nested containers is an important and useful mechanism. Checkpoint Restore In Userspace (CRIU) is the dominant method for migration, used by Docker and other container technologies. While CRIU works well for container migration from host to host, it suffers from significant increase in resource requirements in nested setups. The overheads are primarily due to the high network virtualization overhead in nested environments. While techniques such as SR-IOV can mitigate the overheads, they require additional hardware features and tight coupling of network endpoints. Based on our insights of network virtualization being the main bottleneck, we present Portkey - a software-based solution for efficient nested container migration that significantly reduces CPU utilization at both the source and destination hosts. Our solution relies on interposing a layer that directly coordinates network IO from within a virtual machine with the hypervisor. A new set of hypercalls provide this interfacing along with a control loop that minimizes the hypercall path usage. Extensive evaluation of our solution shows that Portkey reduces CPU usage by up to 75% and 82% at the source and destination hosts, respectively.
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[ATC'22] RRC: Responsive Replicated Containers
[ATC'22] RRC: Responsive Replicated Containers
Replication is the basic mechanism for providing application-transparent reliability through fault tolerance. The design and implementation of replication mechanisms is particularly challenging for general multithreaded services, where high latency overhead is not acceptable. Most of the existing replication mechanisms fail to meet this challenge.
RRC is a fully-operational fault tolerance mechanism for multiprocessor workloads, based on container replication. It minimizes the latency overhead during normal operation by addressing two key sources of this overhead: (1) it decouples the latency overhead from checkpointing frequency using a hybrid of checkpointing and replay, and (2) it minimizes the pause time for checkpointing by forking a clone of the container to be checkpointed, thus allowing execution to proceed in parallel with checkpointing. The fact that RRC is based on checkpointing makes it inherently less vulnerable to data races than active replication. In addition, RRC includes mechanisms that further reduce the vulnerability to data races, resulting in high recovery rates, as long as the rate of manifested data races is low. The evaluation includes measurement of the recovery rate and recovery latency based on thousands of fault injections. On average, RRC delays responses to clients by less than 400mu's and recovers in less than 1s. The average pause latency is less than 3.3ms. For a set of eight real-world benchmarks, if data races are eliminated, the performance overhead of RRC is under 48%.
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[VLDB'23] Async-fork: Mitigating Query Latency Spikes Incurred by the Fork-based Snapshot Mechanism from the OS Level
[VLDB'23] Async-fork: Mitigating Query Latency Spikes Incurred by the Fork-based Snapshot Mechanism from the OS Level
In-memory key-value stores (IMKVSes) serve many online applications. They generally adopt the fork-based snapshot mechanism to support data backup. However, this method can result in query latency spikes because the engine is out-of-service for queries during the snapshot. In contrast to existing research optimizing snapshot algorithms, we address the problem from the operating system (OS) level, while keeping the data persistent mechanism in IMKVSes unchanged. Specifically, we first study the impact of the fork operation on query latency. Based on findings in the study, we propose Async-fork, which performs the fork operation asynchronously to reduce the out-of-service time of the engine. Async-fork is implemented in the Linux kernel and deployed into the online Redis database in public clouds. Our experiment results show that Async-fork can significantly reduce the tail latency of queries during the snapshot.
[EuroSys'21] On-demand-fork: a microsecond fork for memory-intensive and latency-sensitive applications
[EuroSys'21] On-demand-fork: a microsecond fork for memory-intensive and latency-sensitive applications
Fork has long been the process creation system call for Unix. At its inception, fork was hailed as an efficient system call due to its use of copy-on-write on memory shared between parent and child processes. However, application memory demand has increased drastically since the early days and the cost incurred by fork to simply set up virtual memory (e.g., copy page tables) is now a concern, even for applications that only require hundreds of MBs of memory. In practice, fork performance already holds back system efficiency and latency across a range of uses cases that fork large processes, such as fault-tolerant systems, serverless frameworks, and testing frameworks.
This paper proposes On-demand-fork, a fast implementation of the fork system call specifically designed for applications with large memory footprints. On-demand-fork relies on the observation that copy-on-write can be generalized to page tables, even on commodity hardware. On-demand-fork executes faster than the traditional fork implementation by additionally sharing page tables between parent and child at fork time and selectively copying page tables in small chunks, on-demand, when handling page faults. On-demand-fork is a drop-in replacement for fork that requires no changes to applications or hardware.
We evaluated On-demand-fork on a range of micro-benchmarks and real-world workloads. On-demand-fork significantly reduces the fork invocation time and has improved scalability. For processes with 1 GB of allocated memory, On-demand-fork has a 65× performance advantage over Fork. We also evaluated On-demand-fork on testing, fuzzing, and snapshotting workloads of well-known applications, obtaining execution throughput improvements between 59% and 226% and up to 99% invocation latency reduction.


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