
Revision as of 11:22, 23 July 2012 by Kir (talk | contribs) (misc edits)

CRtools is an utility to checkpoint/restore a process tree.

Tools installation

Get the latest release from Releases.

Alternatively, use git repository. Clone this repo to test new functionality. Anything but master branch are development ones, don't refer on them.

Before building, make sure you have C bindings for Google's Protocol Buffers installed. In rpm-based world this is protobuf-c-devel package.

Then run make in the sources root.

Kernel configuration

Make sure you have the following options turned on:

  • General setup -> Checkpoint/restore support (CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE)
  • General setup -> open by fhandle syscalls (CONFIG_FHANDLE)
  • General setup -> Enable eventfd() system call (CONFIG_EVENTFD)
  • General setup -> Enable eventpoll support (CONFIG_EPOLL)
  • File systems -> Inotify support for userspace (CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER)
  • Networking support -> Networking options -> Unix domain sockets -> UNIX: socket monitoring interface (CONFIG_UNIX_DIAG)
  • Networking support -> Networking options -> TCP/IP networking -> INET: socket monitoring interface (CONFIG_INET_DIAG)

Note you might have to enable

  • General setup -> Configure standard kernel features (expert users) (CONFIG_EXPERT)

option, which depends on

  • General setup -> Embedded system (CONFIG_EMBEDDED)

(welcome to Kconfig reverse chains hell).

The v3.5 upstream kernel already has most of the required functionality merged. Some is sill out-of-tree though, so you might need to clone the linux-2.6-crtools.git, checkout the crtools-3.5 branch and compile the kernel.

Checking how it works

You can first look into the ZDTM Test Suite which sits in the tests/zdtm/ directory.

Using CR tools

Please see running CR tools article.

CR tools mailing list

If you're interested in CR tools development don't hesitate to subscribe to the CRtools mailing list which can be found here [1].