This is a collection of articles describing specific CRIU command line options.
- CLI/cmd
- CLI/cmd/dump
- CLI/cmd/image-cache
- CLI/cmd/image-proxy
- CLI/cmd/restore
- CLI/deprecated/cmd/show
- CLI/deprecated/opt/--enable-external-masters
- CLI/deprecated/opt/--enable-external-sharing
- CLI/deprecated/opt/--ext-mount-map
- CLI/deprecated/opt/--ext-unix-sk
- CLI/deprecated/opt/--veth-pair
- CLI/opt
- CLI/opt/--address
- CLI/opt/--daemon
- CLI/opt/--display-stats
- CLI/opt/--enable-fs
- CLI/opt/--evasive-devices
- CLI/opt/--lazy-pages
- CLI/opt/--network-lock
- CLI/opt/--port
- CLI/opt/--remote
- CLI/opt/--skip-in-flight
- CLI/opt/--status-fd
- CLI/opt/--tcp-close
- CLI/opt/--weak-sysctl
See also
- Advanced usage article for more options
- RPC -- an API to C/R functionality
- Category:HOWTO
- Category:Live migration
- Statistics